Desert Rat

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I wish there was some way you could look into our hearts and heads to see a "before" and "after" and measure all the growth we have made since joining your class. We are on track and learning a lot about theology, but as assessment devices, quizzes wouldn't necessarily show that. And they would suck the life out of the subject.

I can't wait to take my theology books on the plane with me and read them for fun during the break- why, because our class is interesting. And I want to learn. My theology teacher at SMU was very encouraging to me and I got an A- in the class, but I didn't enjoy the class with the midterm, final and preceptorials, and certainly wasn't ever was motivated to read theology until now.

I wish every agnostic I know could sit in on the class too because then they could see Christians aren't afraid of ideas, that we look at all sorts of opinions and debates. Most agnostics I know think Christians are too narrow minded to allow real discussions on controversial topics. I think I am definitely the oldest person in the class, but I probably need discussion the most because I am still hammering out the details of what I believe.

When my oldest child was a senior in high school and headed for college, I panicked that I didn't teach her enough about God, so in the mornings before breakfast we would read the bible together. It was very unpopular with my kids who would rather sleep in... so I think I understand about feeling so responsible for what the class gets or doesn't get. In the end, more than what you say, or what we read,what will make a lasting impression is how much you care about the subject and try to find ways to reach us, and how hard you work to make it clear. I think we will catch that spirit, and eventually with time we will understand the hard stuff because we want to.


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