Desert Rat

Thursday, June 29, 2006

So many times I am confronted with a very western, lineral perspective among certain scientifically inclined aquaintances of mine. This ultra lineral perspective is whelded like a light sabor, intent on chopping to bits my faith. It's a sort of game; a one-ups-manship contest that I don't want to participate in, and yet at the same time I do... I want to be able to fend off such attacks and give as good as I get. The reason is, I think deep down, even hard core scientist types really want to believe in something, and like a naughty child are trying to get attention for their attitudes and beliefs, half hoping you will correct them.
The Asian approach seems to have less potential for confrontation because more than one idea can occupy a position. To engage in a dialogue with someone who is wired to understand parallel logic and not discount your opinion right off the bat because it doesn't jive with their own, would be refreshing. It also seems a gentler notion to understand yourself and others as a follower of Jesus without necessarily understanding everything He did and said, or everything society has said we have to think to be an authentic Christian.
Sadly to me, some Asians seem to be losing their Asianess, and are as intent on making people toe an ideological line as anyone else. As a Westener, I implore Asians to stay true to their souls and not just copy the West. We need your orientation to give us back our souls as well, otherwise it can be so very tiring to always have to "best" someone and be right, and babies get thrown out with the bathwater.


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