I had a thought provoking 30 second conversation with a friend when I mentioned in passing, "What do you think about all the millennium stuff?"
I don't know what I expected they would say, but I got a slight shock when they responded that it sounded like a fairytale. That was the extent of the conversation, so I don't know if they thought every scenario was too fanciful, or just a particular view like post millenialism was too much to swallow.
Actually in America people seem to fall into 2 camps; eschatology preoccupies their brain, or they blow off the idea. But I didn't think an Asian would be so left- brained and concrete.
I guess with all the problems it does seem like there will never be a "happily ever after"for planet earth.
And yet, once upon a time there was no universe, and now there is. So why can't the same hand that made everything fix it up, correcting every mistake so that things are the way they are supposed to be. Our God is up to the task.
But that does not let us off the hook. If we get caught up in the idea only God can make a difference, then we will walk by a lot of problems that are right within our sphere of influence instead of reaching out a hand like the good Samaritan. Our good intentions might flop, but we are obligated to try.
I don't know what I expected they would say, but I got a slight shock when they responded that it sounded like a fairytale. That was the extent of the conversation, so I don't know if they thought every scenario was too fanciful, or just a particular view like post millenialism was too much to swallow.
Actually in America people seem to fall into 2 camps; eschatology preoccupies their brain, or they blow off the idea. But I didn't think an Asian would be so left- brained and concrete.
I guess with all the problems it does seem like there will never be a "happily ever after"for planet earth.
And yet, once upon a time there was no universe, and now there is. So why can't the same hand that made everything fix it up, correcting every mistake so that things are the way they are supposed to be. Our God is up to the task.
But that does not let us off the hook. If we get caught up in the idea only God can make a difference, then we will walk by a lot of problems that are right within our sphere of influence instead of reaching out a hand like the good Samaritan. Our good intentions might flop, but we are obligated to try.
I like your blog Cindy! Keep writing... Gerrad
servant of JC, at 7:47 PM
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