I think the Roman Catholics and the Protestants are both right in their positions on church unity. It's an issue we have to have double vision on. On one hand, unity isn't unity unless it is a fact; otherwise we are deluding ourselves and in denal. I think the Catholics work harder to achieve it since they think it must be tangible to be actual. But Protestants are right in thinking that we are unified in the Spirit and through Christ.
But aren't we supposed to worship in Spirit and Truth! Not one at the expense of the other. Right now, I think there is too much at stake- autonomy that the head honchos of churches fear they will lose if there is unification. But all this spliting has to stop somewhere doesn't it? And like King Solomon deduced, isn't the real caring Christian, like the real mom in the story, the one who is willing to keep the church intact, rather than divide it?
But aren't we supposed to worship in Spirit and Truth! Not one at the expense of the other. Right now, I think there is too much at stake- autonomy that the head honchos of churches fear they will lose if there is unification. But all this spliting has to stop somewhere doesn't it? And like King Solomon deduced, isn't the real caring Christian, like the real mom in the story, the one who is willing to keep the church intact, rather than divide it?
I think the Catholics do believe that in Spirit, the Church is ALREADY one. That unity is already a given, an a priori. I think it's very generous of them to embrace this reality.
But they also go further to say that for this unity to be realised, we actually must have a deep desire for this unity to be made visible - a desire which is absent in many Protestant circles, for whom Christian unity is just a remote reality with no immediate implications. It's something we work along with when we have nothing else to do like, say, evangelism. :)
SK sfo, at 12:02 PM
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